
Why car leasing is so popular.

You can no longer hide the fact that a car lease is more popular than ever. If you look carefully around you, you will see this happening on the roads. Fewer and fewer old cars older than five years are driving around. AND this is really not because everyone has suddenly bought a car. In fact, most people do not have an amount of money lying around between 30 or 80,000 euros with which they buy a completely new car and then drive it up. It is because of the many forms of leasing. But why is car leasing so popular?

Leasing a car is interesting because?

The same question: why do we buy a house through a mortgage? Exactly the first reason is because otherwise you would never be able to afford a house of your own or you would have to save half your life first for an amount that would allow you to buy a house at once. The same applies to a car. Most of us dream of a nice car. For some, their dream car is a sports car or a convertible, while for others it is a very spacious family car with all the options and luxuries. So many people, so many wishes. But let’s be honest, how many people do you know who have so much money in their savings account that they can buy a new car and pay for it in one go? That’s true, but reserved for few.

Besides, while you could take a few years to save up for it, we have to be honest about this too. We live in a consuming society, we are bombarded with advertising every day, keeping money in your pocket is just difficult these days. Besides, we work hard, take care of our families and every now and then we want to spoil ourselves with nice meals, nice holidays and nice things. After all, we have earned that because we work so hard for it. Logical! But this is how saving becomes very difficult.

Supply and demand

The car lease market also works on the basis of supply and demand. In the past, it was mainly companies that used the various lease forms. And a company lease car was only for high or well-paying positions. Nowadays, many more people can drive a leased car through their employer. In addition, the types of lease have increased because there is much more demand for them. Also from private individuals. Take Private lease, never before has a type of lease become so incredibly popular so quickly.

Private Lease

Never before did private individuals have this simple option of buying their dream car. Yes before, when you could co-finance an amount with your house, that was often used for a car. But that is now also outdated. It was a kind of diversions for a loan for a car. Many people cut their fingers with this, and let’s say whole hand. Your house is a piece of real estate, which can fall in value, but can also rise again, as we have seen in recent years. So your money is reasonably safe. A car in contrast, is pure loss. So including a car in your mortgage is simply not very wise.

Because we all want or need a nice car anyway. And most people can easily spare between 200 and 1000 euros a month in addition to their fixed expenses. A private lease is very interesting. Besides, in most cases a private lease is not necessarily more expensive than buying a car. Plus the fact that such a lease form offers a lot of security that you otherwise don’t have. Because you pay a monthly amount that includes everything, you know exactly where you stand every month.

Everything is included in the contract. Insurance, repairs, maintenance, winter tyres, replacement transport and road tax. All this for a fixed amount per month and you can drive your dream car carefree. When you buy a car, you don’t have the certainty that something essential won’t break down which might cost an extra 1,000 den euros in repairs. With a private lease, you don’t have to worry about this. You hand in the car, get temporary replacement transport and pay nothing more or less.