
The popularity of importing a car from abroad

When buying a car, more and more people to import a car from abroad. Around me around me I hear it more and more often. But what exactly is the reason for this? Why should you get something abroad that is also available in the Netherlands? That has several reasons, of course, especially advantages. What those reasons and advantages are, we will tell you in this article.

The criteria when buying a car

When you go to buy a car, whether new or used, there are always a number of criteria you take into account. Perhaps you are a real car connoisseur yourself and this is obvious to you. But chances are you are also a little less at home in it. In that case, take a true connoisseur with you, read up well, ask and read reviews and experiences and let a professional help you properly.

Criteria for buying a car then naturally include the make and type, colour, quality and price. If it is a used car, then you also pay attention to the mileage and external and internal condition.

A car from abroad

When you import a car from abroad, in many of those cases you already have some nice benefits to grab. For example, did you know that by importing a car from Germany, you can save a lot of money? In addition, you often have a unique car. A well-known brand, but perhaps a still/already unknown type. And once you have found one, you probably won’t just have one. Because most German cars are a lot fuller equipped and also better maintained by their previous owner.

The attractive price

But where exactly does this cost advantage exactly come from? Firstly, an average German changes cars faster than we are used to in the Netherlands. As a result, the supply of used cars is large, which results in a lower price. Logical, right? In addition, the car also has a very favourable tax value. Sounds like only advantageous, in other words. Of course, there is a bit of a chore involved. The actual importing. Fortunately, there are many experienced car companies that can can help you with that. And don’t worry, the financial benefit remains very positive!