At Carnews we understand the importance of electric driving in the modern world. Whether it’s electric cars, hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels or smart transport solutions, this is where we keep you up to date with all the automotive news surrounding the world of EVs.

Electric car

Hybrid or diesel: which do you choose?

In the dynamic world of automobility, hybrid and diesel vehicles play a huge role. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and making the right choice can...Read more
Electric car

Home charging station: costs & subsidies

As the proud owner of an electric car, you naturally want the option to easily charge your vehicle. A home charging station can be a great solution for this, but...Read more
Electric car

An affordable electric car: the future of sustainable driving

There is increasing demand for affordable electric cars. Electric driving is therefore becoming increasingly accessible to people with limited budgets. For instance, electric cars are more economical in consumption and...Read more
Electric car

The fastest electric cars of 2023

The world of cars is often all about speed. And with more and more electric cars, we thought it was about time to make a little list of some of...Read more
Electric car

Chinese car brands: innovation and progress enter europe

Chinese car brands are on a remarkable rise in the automotive industry. Thus, their presence in Europe is growing steadily. Driven mainly by electric technologies and innovation, Chinese cars have...Read more
Electric car

All about business leasing! What do you need to know?

These days, you can lease many things. The most well-known form of this is leasing a car. Particularly popular among entrepreneurs, but private leasing is also growing explosively in the...Read more

Hybrid or electric: which is the best choice for you?

Hybrid or electric. In the world of greener mobility, both hybrid and electric vehicles are high on the list of environmentally conscious drivers. They offer significant advantages over traditional petrol...Read more
Electric car

Hydrogen cars: a green alternative for conscious driving

The world of hydrogen-powered cars offers a promising green alternative to conventional vehicles. Fuel cells play a crucial role in this emerging sector, converting hydrogen into electricity to power vehicles....Read more
Electric car

Bidirectional charging: which car brands offer this feature?

More and more people are asking: which car can charge bi-directionally? With this smart and innovative option, you use your electric car as a home battery, keeping your energy costs...Read more
Electric car

Chinese electric cars: an emerging force in Europe

Within the European car industry, the rise of Chinese manufacturers is viewed with suspicion. Almost 8 per cent of new electric cars sold in Europe are now Chinese brands. And...Read more

Elektrische auto’s, duurzaam en de toekomst?

Duurzame mobiliteit is de toekomst van autorijden en vervoer in het algemeen. Bij zorgen we er daarom voor dat je alles komt te weten over de ontwikkelingen die de autowereld biedt. Denk niet alleen naar verschillende nieuwe modellen, maar ook de rol van elektrisch rijden in bijvoorbeeld de autosport.